So I did it!!!!!!!!!! Cross it off the list...I did it and it feels fucking amazing!!!! I went to Germany and it kicked my ass!! haha. What an experience!!! I took about 2000 pictures thanks to my friend Jess!! She let me use her Cannon Rebel something SLR...awesome camera!!
I'm not one to make a game plan considering nothing ever goes according to plan...but I got my plane ticket...train ticket...picked out which cities I'd like to visit...searched for hostels and hotels before hand. I pretty much knew what I wanted to see so it wasn't that hard. The weather was pretty much the same as in the I packed accordingly...I took a few unnecessary things which I had to leave in different hostels which I'm sure someone found use for them. My back pack was about 33lbs so it wasn't bad. I had the camera bag with lenses strapped to my front and when I was out or hiking I'd have a sling pack on my back. I landed in my back pack and headed for the train. This train the ICE was speed of 186mph...the fastest I saw it reach was 125mph...when I wasn't staring out the window!! Speaking of that...I was staring out the window and missed my I had to go an hour east...wait an hour...then go an hour back attention!! I finally got to Freiburg and my journey began!!