Sunday, September 25, 2011

Where's my little black box!?

For the longest time I've been trying to contain issues...emotions...problems. Not saying just avoiding them or trying to ignore them...I know they're there but I guess it's just the fact I don't know how to deal with them. Thanks from a great friend I've learned instead of trying to stuff it in that little black box...just let it run it's course...let the emotions...the fear...the anxiety run through me! That way not only do I deal with it and get it out of my system...I'll know how to apply it other situations in the future.
Since I've been off my meds I thought I was having these anxiety attacks or whatnot...I felt quite nervous in some situations. But I think I just forgot how to deal with things...being on my meds I wouldn't care what was going on around me...I was always happy. I think this is where medications have a helped me with depression...but I still need to make everyday life decisions and not just let things go on without having a mental say in it. For instance with this current situation I have going on...I've been nervous...quite nervous to be honest. I'd try to contain it or put it in it's black box figuring if I did it would just go away...not the case! So every time I'd be in the vicinity...I'd keep getting nervous or have anxiety issues.

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